This summer we changed to Red Paw dog food and I must say that our dogs are doing much better on it than our previous food.  I’m not going to start a dog food brand debate with anyone, because there are a lot of foods out there that work great!  We just happened to find one that worked best for what we are doing right now.  Randy Carris does a great job representing the company and there are a lot of good experienced mushers that use it.

Here is the link for the honor roll!

Last week I purchased some Pro Meat 100 from Troy and Katie Groeneveld at 10 Squared Racing and the dogs seem to being good so far on it too.  Take time to visit their site if you can, they have a lot of good stuff for working dogs.  It’s basically dehydrated meat that you add to their water for extra protein, fat, and calories.  I believe it’s important to buy locally as much as possible so your money stays close to home, helping out your friends and the community as a whole.